Looking for a Real Estate Expert ?
As expat, you would like to rent or to buy a flat or a house in Brussels ? Before taking such an important decision, it would be interesting for you to have some advice from a local expert !
Our job is to make an independent valuation of the flat or the house you would like to rent or to buy. We are neither a real estate agency nor a relocation agency. We can be your personal advisor when you intend to take a residence but you are not sure if the price is correct or if you want to be sure the accommodation is good quality, regarding problems like dampness, electricity, energy efficiency, parasites, security requirements, etc.
We know the legal aspects and can give you advices in that matter. For example, would you like to sign a lease contract without knowing if the contract is legal? Do you think that an inventory of the accommodation would be good to protect you at the end of the lease? Do you know which official papers the landlord must provide? Tenant and landlord : who pays what ?
If you buy an accommodation, the consequences could be even more important. Would you like to know before buying it if the price is ‘on line’ with the market ? Brussels is composed of so many different areas (‘communes’) and prices are very different from one place to another. In addition to that, legal requirements regarding town planning for example can also be different. The technical quality of the building is so important when you take a decision as to buy it!
Depending on the kind of advice and the type of the accommodation, we can make you an offer with a fixed price decided upon with you before the beginning of our mission. At the end of it, you will always receive a written report.
Contact us now on +32 475 38 19 54 or by e-mail : xaviervdn@gmail.com